This example expands the previous cargo crane analysis.
Starting with the analysis in
Example: cargo crane,
you have now been asked to investigate what happens when a load of 10 kN is
dropped onto the lifting hook for 0.2 seconds.
The connections at points A,
B, C, and
D (see
Figure 1) can only
withstand a maximum pull-out force of 100 kN. You have to decide whether or not
any of these connections will break.
Figure 1. Cargo crane.
The short duration of the loading means that inertia effects are likely to
be important, making dynamic analysis essential. You are not given any
information regarding the damping of the structure. Since there are bolted
connections between the trusses and the cross bracing, the energy absorption
caused by frictional effects is likely to be significant. Based on experience,
you therefore choose 5% of critical damping in each mode.
The magnitude of the applied load versus time is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Load-time characteristic.
provides scripts that replicate the complete analysis model for this problem.
Run one of these scripts if you encounter difficulties following the
instructions given below or if you wish to check your work. Scripts are
available in the following locations:
A Python script for this example is provided in
Cargo crane – dynamic loading.
Instructions on how to fetch the script and run it within
are given in
Example Files.
A plug-in script for this example is available in the
Plug-in toolset. To run the script from
select Plug-insAbaqusGetting
Started; highlight Cargo crane dynamic
loading; and click Run. For more information
about the Getting Started plug-ins, see
Running the Getting Started with Abaqus examples.
Open the model database file Crane.cae, and copy the
Static model to a model named
Dynamic. The dynamic analysis model is
basically the same as the static analysis model, except for the modifications
described below.
In dynamic simulations the density of every material must be specified so
that the mass matrix can be formed. The steel in the crane has a density of
7800 kg/m3.
In this model the material properties were specified as part of the section
definition. Thus, you will need to edit the
BracingSection and
MainMemberSection section definitions to
specify the density. In the Specify section material
density field of the Edit Beam Section dialog
box, enter a value of 7800 for each section
If material data are defined independently of the section properties, the density
is included by editing the material definition and selecting GeneralDensity in the Edit Material dialog box.
The step definitions that are used for the dynamic analysis are
substantially different from those used in the static analysis. Therefore, the
static step created previously will be replaced by two new steps.
The first step in the dynamic analysis calculates the natural frequencies
and mode shapes of the structure. The second step then uses these data to
calculate the transient modal dynamic response of the cargo crane. In this
analysis we will assume that everything is linear. If you want to model any
nonlinearities in this simulation, direct integration of the equations of
motion using the implicit dynamic procedure must be performed instead. See
Nonlinear dynamics
for further details.
Abaqus/Standard offers three eigenvalue extraction methods: Lanczos, automatic multi-level
substructuring (AMS), and subspace iteration. Both the Lanczos and AMS methods are
generally faster than subspace iteration when a large number of eigenmodes is required
for a system with many degrees of freedom. While the AMS solver is more efficient for
very large systems, the Lanczos solver has the most general capabilities. The subspace
iteration method may be faster when only a few (less than 20) eigenmodes are needed.
We use the Lanczos eigensolver in this analysis and request 30 eigenvalues.
Instead of specifying the number of modes required, it is also possible to
specify the minimum and maximum frequencies of interest so that the step will
complete once
has found all of the eigenvalues inside the specified range. A shift point may
also be specified so that eigenvalues nearest the shift point will be
extracted. By default, no minimum or maximum frequency or shift is used. If the
structure is not constrained against rigid body modes, the shift value should
be set to a small negative value to remove numerical problems associated with
rigid body motion.
To replace the static step with a frequency extraction
In the
Model Tree,
expand the Steps container. Then, click mouse button 3 on
the step named Tip Load and select
Replace from the menu that appears. In the
Replace Step dialog box, select
Frequency from the list of available Linear
perturbation procedures.
Model attributes that cannot be converted will be deleted. In this case the
concentrated loads are deleted because they cannot be used in a frequency
extraction step. However, the boundary conditions and output requests
associated with the static step are inherited by the frequency extraction step.
In the Basic tabbed page of the Edit
Step dialog box, enter the step description First 30
modes; accept the Lanczos eigensolver option; and request 30
Rename the step to Extract Frequencies by
clicking mouse button 3 on the name Tip Load
and selecting Rename from the menu that appears.
In structural dynamic analysis the response is usually associated with the
lower modes. However, enough modes should be extracted to provide a good
representation of the dynamic response of the structure. One way of checking
that a sufficient number of eigenvalues has been extracted is to look at the
total effective mass in each degree of freedom, which indicates how much of the
mass is active in each direction of the extracted modes. The effective masses
are tabulated in the data file under the eigenvalue output. Ideally, the sum of
the modal effective masses for each mode in each direction should be at least
90% of the total mass. See
Effect of the number of modes
for more information.
The modal dynamics procedure will be used to perform the transient dynamic
analysis. The transient response will be based on all the modes extracted in
the first analysis step; 5% of critical damping should be used in all 30 modes.
To create a transient modal dynamics step:
In the
Model Tree,
double-click the Steps container to create a new step.
Select Modal dynamics from the list of available
Linear perturbation procedures, and name the step
Transient modal dynamics. Insert the step
after the frequency extraction step defined above.
In the Basic tabbed page of the Edit
Step dialog box, enter the description Crane
Response to Dropped Load and specify a time period of
0.5 and a time increment of
0.005. In dynamic analysis time is a real,
physical quantity.
In the Damping tabbed page of the Edit
Step dialog box, specify direct modal damping and enter a critical
damping fraction of 0.05 for modes
1 through 30.
Using the Field Output Requests Manager, modify the
field output requests for the Extract
Frequencies step so that the Preselected
defaults are selected. By default,
writes the mode shapes to the output database
(.odb) file so that they can be plotted using
the Visualization module.
The nodal displacements for each mode shape are normalized so that the maximum
displacement is unity. Thus, these results, and the corresponding stresses and
strains, are not physically meaningful: they should be used only for relative
Dynamic analyses usually require many more increments than static analyses
to complete. As a consequence, the volume of output from dynamic analyses can
be very large, and you should control the output requests to keep the output
files to a reasonable size. In this example you will request output of the
deformed shape to the output database file at the end of every fifth increment.
There will be 100 increments in the step (0.5/0.005); therefore, there will be
20 frames of field output.
In addition, you will write the displacements at the loaded end of the model
(for example, set Tip-a) and the reaction
forces at the fixed end (set Attach) as
history data to the output database file every increment so that a higher
resolution of these data will be available. In dynamic analyses we are also
concerned about the energy distribution in the model and what form the energy
takes. Kinetic energy is present in the model as a result of the motion of the
mass; strain energy is present as a result of the displacement of the
structure; energy is also dissipated through damping. By default, whole model
energies are written as history data to the
.odb file for the modal dynamic procedure. For
this analysis you will restrict the energy output to the kinetic, internal, and
viscous dissipation energies.
To request output for the transient modal dynamics analysis
Open the Field Output Requests Manager. Select the cell
labeled Created that appears in the column
labeled Transient modal dynamics (you may need to enlarge
the column to see the complete step name).
Edit the field output request so that only the nodal displacements are
written to the .odb file every
5 increments.
Open the History Output Requests Manager. Edit the
default output request so that only ALLIE,
ALLKE, and
ALLVD are written after every increment. In
addition, create two new output requests in the step labeled
Transient modal dynamics. In the first write
the displacements (translations only) for the set
Tip-a after every increment; in the second,
the reaction forces (not the moments) for the set
Attach after every increment.
Loads and boundary conditions
The boundary conditions are the same as for the static analysis. Since these
were retained during the step replacement operation, no new boundary conditions
need to be defined.
Apply a concentrated force to the tip of the crane. The magnitude of this
load is time dependent, as illustrated in
Figure 2.
The time dependence of the load can be defined using an amplitude curve. The
actual magnitude of the load applied at any point in time is obtained by
multiplying the magnitude of the load (−10,000 N) by the value of the amplitude
curve at that time.
To specify a time-dependent load:
Begin by defining an amplitude curve. In the
Model Tree,
double-click the Amplitudes container. Name the amplitude
Bounce, and choose the type
Tabular. Enter the data shown in
Table 1
in the Edit Amplitude dialog box. Accept the default
selection of Step time as the time span, and specify
0.25 as the smoothing parameter value.
Use mouse button 3 to access the table options.
Table 1. Amplitude curve data.
Time (sec)
Now define the load. In the
Model Tree,
double-click the Loads container. Apply the load in the
Transient modal dynamics step, name the load
Dyn load, and choose Concentrated
force as the load type. Apply the load to set
Tip-b. The equation constraint defined
previously between sets Tip-a and
Tip-b means that the load will be carried
equally by both halves of the crane.
In the Edit Load dialog box, enter a value for
CF2 of -1.E4, and choose
Bounce for the amplitude.
In this example the structure has no initial velocities or accelerations,
which is the default. However, if you wanted to define initial velocities, you
could do so by selecting Predefined
FieldCreate from the main
menu bar and assigning initial translational velocities to selected regions of
the model in the initial step. You would also have to edit the definition of
the modal dynamics step to use initial conditions.
Running the
Create a job named DynCrane with the
following description: 3-D model of light-service cargo crane
dynamic analysis.
Save your model in a model database file, and submit the job for analysis.
Monitor the solution progress; correct any modeling errors that are detected
and investigate the cause of any warning messages, taking action as necessary.