In the
static analysis performed with
you examined the deformed shape of the lug as well as stress and displacement
output. For the
analysis you can similarly examine the deformed shape, stresses, and
displacements in the lug. Because transient dynamic effects may result from a
sudden loading, you should also examine the time histories for internal and
kinetic energy, displacement, and Mises stress.
Open the output database (.odb) file created by this
Plotting the deformed
From the main menu bar, selectPlotDeformed
Shape; or use the
tool in the toolbox.
Figure 1
displays the deformed model shape at the end of the analysis.
Figure 1. Deformed model shape for the explicit analysis (shaded).
As discussed earlier,
assumes large deformation theory by default; thus, the deformation scale factor
is automatically set to 1. If the displacements are too small to be seen,
scaling can be applied to aid the study of the response.
To see the vibrations in the lug more clearly, change the deformation scale
factor to 50. In addition, animate the time history of the deformed shape of
the lug and decrease the frame rate of the time history animation.
The time history animation of the deformed shape of the lug shows that the
suddenly applied load induces vibrations in the lug. Additional insights about
the behavior of the lug under this type of loading can be gained by plotting
the kinetic energy, internal energy, displacement, and stress in the lug as a
function of time. Some of the questions to consider are:
Is energy conserved?
Was large-displacement theory necessary for this analysis?
Are the peak stresses reasonable? Will the material yield?
X–Y plotting
X–Y plots can display the variation of a variable as a
function of time. You can create X–Y plots from field and
history output.
To create X–Y plots of the internal and
kinetic energy as a function of time:
In the
Results Tree,
expand the History Output container underneath the output
database named expLug.odb.
The list of all the variables in the history portion of the output database
appears; these are the only history output variables you can plot.
From the list of available output variables, double-click
ALLIE to plot the internal energy for the whole model.
reads the data for the curve from the output database file and plots the graph
shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Internal energy for the whole model.
Repeat this procedure to plot ALLKE, the kinetic energy
for the whole model (shown in
Figure 3).
Figure 3. Kinetic energy for the whole model.
Both the internal energy and the kinetic energy show oscillations that
reflect the vibrations of the lug. Throughout the simulation, kinetic energy is
transformed into internal (strain) energy and vice-versa. Since the material is
linear elastic, total energy is conserved. This can be seen by plotting
ETOTAL, the total energy of the system,
together with ALLIE and
ALLKE. The value of
ETOTAL is approximately zero throughout the
course of the analysis. Energy balances in dynamic analysis are discussed
further in
Nonlinear Explicit Dynamics.
We will examine the nodal displacements at the bottom of the lug hole to
evaluate the significance of geometrically nonlinear effects in this
To generate a plot of displacement versus time:
Plot the deformed shape of the lug. In the
Results Tree,
double-click XY Data.
In the Create XY Data dialog box that appears, select
ODB field output as the source and click
In the XY Data from ODB Field Output dialog box that
appears, select Unique Nodal as the type of position from
which the X–Y data should be read.
Click the arrow next to U: Spatial displacement and
toggle on U2 as the displacement variable for the
X–Y data.
Select the Elements/Nodes tab. Choose Pick
from viewport as the selection method for identifying the node for
which you want X–Y data.
Click Edit Selection. In the viewport, select one of
the nodes on the bottom of the hole as shown in
Figure 4
(if necessary, change the render style to facilitate your selection). Click
Done in the prompt area.
Figure 4. Selected node at the bottom of the hole.
Click Plot in the XY Data from ODB Field
Output dialog box to plot the nodal displacement as a function of
The history of the oscillation, as shown in
Figure 5,
indicates that the displacements are small (relative to the structure's
Figure 5. Displacement of a node at the bottom of the hole.
Thus, this problem could have been solved adequately using small-deformation
theory. This would have reduced the computational cost of the simulation
without significantly affecting the results. Nonlinear geometric effects are
discussed further in
We are also interested in the stress history of the connecting lug. The area
of the lug near the built-in end is of particular interest because the peak
stresses expected to occur there may cause yielding in the material.
To generate a plot of Mises stress versus time:
Plot the deformed shape of the lug again.
Select the Variables tab in the XY Data from
ODB Field Output dialog box. Deselect U2 as the
variable for the X–Y data plot.
Change the Position field to Integration
Click the arrow next to S: Stress components and toggle
on Mises as the stress variable for the
X–Y data.
Select the Elements/Nodes tab. Choose Pick
from viewport as the selection method for identifying the element
for which you want X–Y data.
Click Edit Selection. In the viewport, select one of
the elements near the built-in end of the lug as shown in
Figure 6.
Click Done in the prompt area.
Figure 6. Selected element near the built-in end of the lug.
Click Plot in the XY Data from ODB Field
Output dialog box to plot the Mises stress at the selected element
as a function of time.
The peak Mises stress is on the order of 550 MPa, as shown in
Figure 7.
This value is larger than the typical yield strength of steel. Thus, the
material would have yielded before experiencing such a large stress state.
Material nonlinearity is discussed further in
Figure 7. Mises stress near the built-in end of the lug.