to create the model.
provides scripts that replicate the complete analysis model for this problem.
Run one of these scripts if you encounter difficulties following the
instructions given below or if you wish to check your work. Scripts are
available in the following locations:
A Python script for this example is provided in
Shearing of a lap joint.
Instructions on how to fetch the script and run it within
are given in
Example Files.
A plug-in script for this example is available in the
Plug-in toolset. To run the script from
select Plug-insAbaqusGetting
Started, highlight Lap joint,
and click Run. For more information about the Getting
Started plug-ins, see
Running the Getting Started with Abaqus examples.
Part definition
(if you are not already running it). You will have to create two parts: one
representing the plate and one representing the rivet.
Create a three-dimensional, deformable solid part with an extruded base
feature to represent the plate. Use an approximate part size of
100.0, and name the part
plate. Begin by sketching a rectangle of
arbitrary dimensions. Then, dimension it so that the horizontal length is
30 and the vertical length is
10, as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sketch of the plate.
Extrude the part a distance of 1.5.
Use the Create Cut: Extrude tool to cut out the
circular region corresponding to the bolt hole. Select the front face of the
plate as the sketch plane and the right edge of the face as the edge that will
appear vertical and on the right in the sketch. Sketch the bolt hole as shown
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Sketch of the bolt hole.
Extrude the cut through the entire part.
The final shape of the plate appears as shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Final plate geometry.
Create a three-dimensional, deformable solid part with a revolved base
feature to represent the rivet. Use an approximate part size of
20.0, and name the part
rivet. Using the Create
Lines tool, create a rough sketch of the rivet geometry, as shown in
Figure 4.
Use dimensions and equal length constraints as necessary to refine the sketch,
as shown in
Figure 4.
Revolve the part 180 degrees.
Figure 4. Base sketch of the rivet.
Edit the base part to include a fillet at the top outer edge and a chamfer
at the bottom outer edge. Use a radius of 0.75
for the fillet and a length of 0.75 for the
chamfer. The final part geometry is shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Final rivet geometry.
Material and section
The plates are made from aluminum; the stress-strain behavior is shown in
Figure 6.
The rivet is made from titanium; the stress-strain behavior is shown in
Figure 7.
The stress-strain data for the aluminum and titanium materials are provided
in text files named lap-joint-alum.txt and
lap-joint-titanium.txt, respectively. Enter
the following command at the operating system prompt to use the
utility to copy these files to your local directory:
abaqus fetch job=lap*.txt
Rather than convert the stress-strain data and define the material
properties manually, you will use the material calibration capability to define
the material properties.
To calibrate a material:
In the
Model Tree,
double-click Calibrations.
Name the calibration aluminum, and click
Expand the Calibrations container and then expand the
aluminum item.
Double-click Data Sets.
In the Create Data Set dialog box, enter
Al as the name and click Import Data
In the Read Data From Text File dialog box, click
and choose the file named
In the Properties region of this dialog box, specify
that strain values will be read from field 2 and stress values from field 1.
From the Data Set Form options, select
True to indicate that the data you are importing are in
true form.
Click OK to close the Read Data From Text
File dialog box.
Click OK to close the Create Data
Set dialog box.
In the
Model Tree,
double-click Behaviors.
Name the behavior Al-elastic-plastic, choose
Elastic Plastic Isotropic as the type, and click
In the Edit Behavior dialog box, choose
Al as the data set for the elastic-plastic data.
Enter 0.00488, 350.0 in the text field to
define the yield point (alternatively, you could select the point directly in
the viewport).
Drag the Plastic points slider midway between
Min and Max to generate plastic data
Enter a Poisson's ratio of 0.33.
At the bottom of the dialog box, click
to create an empty material named
aluminum (simply click OK
in the material editor after entering the name).
In the Edit Behavior dialog box, choose
aluminum from the Material drop-down
Click OK to add the properties to the material named
In the
Model Tree,
expand the Materials container and examine the contents of
the material model. You will note that both elastic and plastic properties have
been defined. If you wish to change the number of plastic points or modify the
yield point, simply return to the Edit Behavior dialog
box, make the necessary changes, select the name of the material to which the
properties will be applied, and click OK. The contents
of the material model are updated automatically.
Following the same procedure, create a material model named
titanium. The file containing the stress-strain
data is named lap-joint-titanium.txt; the
yield point is 0.0081, 907.0; and Poisson's
ratio is equal to 0.34.
Create a homogeneous solid section named
plate that refers to the material
aluminum. Assign the section to the plate.
Create a homogeneous solid section named
rivet that refers to the material
titanium. Assign the section to the rivet.
Assembling the
You will now create an assembly of part instances to define the analysis
model. The assembly consists of two dependent instances of the plate and a
single dependent instance of the rivet. The first plate instance is the top
plate of the assembly; the second plate instance is the bottom plate of the
To instance and position the plates:
In the
Model Tree,
double-click Instances underneath the
Assembly container and select
plate as the part to instance.
Create a second instance of the plate. Toggle on the option to automatically
offset the part instances.
From the main menu bar, select
ConstraintFace to
Face. Select the back face of the plate on the right
(the second instance) as the face on the movable instance. Select the back face
of the plate on the left (the first instance) as the face on the fixed
instance. If necessary, flip the arrows so that they point in opposite
directions, as shown in
Figure 8.
Set the offset equal to 0.0.
Figure 8. Face-to-face constraint.
From the main menu bar, select
Edge. Select the front top edge of the second plate
instance as the edge on the movable instance. Select the front right edge of
the first plate instance as the edge on the fixed instance. If necessary, flip
the arrows so that they point in the directions shown in
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Parallel edge constraint.
From the main menu bar, select
Select the cylindrical face of the second plate instance as the face on the
movable instance. Select the cylindrical face of the first plate instance as
the face on the fixed instance. If necessary, flip the arrows so that they
point in the same direction, as shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 10. Plate coaxial constraint.
To instance and position the
In the
Model Tree,
double-click Instances underneath the
Assembly container and select
rivet as the part to instance.
From the main menu bar, select
Select the cylindrical face of the rivet body as the face on the movable
instance. Select the cylindrical face of the top plate as the face on the fixed
instance. Flip the arrows if necessary so that they point in the directions
shown in
Figure 11.
At this point it is convenient to create the geometry sets that will be used
to specify loads and boundary conditions.
To create geometry sets:
Double-click the Sets item underneath the
Assembly container to create the following geometry sets:
corner at the lower left vertex of the
bottom plate (Figure 12).
This set will be used to prevent rigid body motion in the 3-direction.
Figure 12. Set corner.
fix at the left face of the bottom
plate (Figure 13).
This set will be used to fix the end of the plate.
Figure 13. Set fix.
pull at the right face of the top plate
(Figure 14).
This set will be used to pull the end of the plate.
Figure 14. Set pull.
symm to include all faces on the
symmetry plane (Figure 15).
This set will be used to impose symmetry conditions.
Figure 15. Set symm.
Defining steps and output requests
Create a single static, general step after the
Initial step, and include the effects of
geometric nonlinearity. Set the initial time increment to
0.05 and the total time to
1.0. Accept the default output requests.
Defining contact
Contact will be used to enforce the interactions between the plates and the
rivet. The friction coefficient between all parts is assumed to be 0.05.
This problem could use either contact pairs or the general contact
algorithm. We will use general contact in this problem to demonstrate the
simplicity of the user interface.
Define a contact interaction property named
fric. In the Edit Contact
Property dialog box, select
Behavior, select Penalty as the
friction formulation, and specify a friction coefficient of
0.05 in the table. Accept all other defaults.
Create a General contact (Standard) interaction named
All in the
Initial step. In the Edit
Interaction dialog box, accept the default selection of
All* with self for the Contact Domain
to specify self-contact for the default unnamed, all-inclusive surface defined
automatically by
This method is the simplest way to define contact in Abaqus/Standard
for an entire model. Select fric as the
Global property assignment, and click
boundary conditions
The boundary conditions are defined in the static, general step. The left
end of the assembly is fixed while the right end is pulled along the length of
the plates (1-direction). A single node is fixed in the vertical (3-) direction
to prevent rigid body motion, while the nodes on the symmetry plane are fixed
in the direction normal to the plane (2-direction). The boundary conditions are
summarized in
Table 1.
Define these conditions in the model.
Table 1. Summary of boundary conditions.
BC Name
Geometry Set
U1 = 0.0
U1 = 2.5
U2 = 0.0
U3 = 0.0
creation and job definition
The mesh will be created at the part level rather than the assembly level,
since all part instances used in this problem are dependent. The dependent
instances will inherit the part mesh. Begin by expanding the container for the
part named plate in the
Model Tree,
and double-click Mesh to switch to the
Mesh module.
Mesh the plate with C3D8I elements using a global seed size of
1.2 and the default sweep mesh technique.
Similarly, mesh the rivet with C3D8R elements using a global seed size of
0.5 and the hex-dominated sweep mesh
technique. This mesh technique will create wedge-shaped elements (C3D6) about the rivet’s axis of symmetry. The meshed assembly appears
Figure 16.
If you are using the Abaqus Learning Edition, these seed sizes will result in a mesh that exceeds the model
size limits of the product. For the plate specify a global seed size of 1.75, with a
maximum curvature deviation factor of 0.05. For the rivet, specify a global seed
size of 1.
Figure 16. Meshed assembly.
You are now ready to create and run the job. Create a job named
lap_joint. Save your model to a model database
file, and submit the job for analysis. Monitor the solution progress, correct
any modeling errors that are detected, and investigate the cause of any warning