Valid mathematical operations

Table 1 describes the abbreviations that are used in mathematical operations.

Table 1. Abbreviations.
AbbreviationAllowable values
all FieldOutput objects, FieldValue objects, HistoryVariable objects, or floating point numbers
float floating point numbers
FO FieldOutput objects
FV FieldValue objects
HO HistoryOutput objects
Table 2 shows the valid operations on FieldOutput objects.
Table 2. Valid operations.
SymbolOperation Return value
all + float addition all
FO + FO   FO
FV + FV   FV
HO + HO   HO
-all unary negation all
all - float subtraction all
FO - FO   FO
FV - FV   FV
FO * FO (only if FO is a scalar) multiplication FO
all * float   all
FO / FO (only if FO is a scalar) division FO
all / float   all
abs(all) absolute value all
acos(all) arccosine all
asin(all) arcsine all
atan(all) arctangent all
cos(all) cosine all
degreeToRadian (all) convert degrees to radians all
exp(all) natural exponent all
exp10(all) base 10 exponent all
log(all) natural logarithm all
log10(all) base 10 logarithm all
float ** float raise to a power all
power(FO, float)   FO
power(FV, float)   FV
power(HO, float)   HO
radianToDegree (all) convert radian to degree all
sin(all) sine all
sqrt(all) square root all
tan(all) tangent all
complexMagnitude(FO) magnitude of the complex field output FO
complexPhase(FO) phase of the complex field output FO
complexReal(FO) real part of the complex field output FO
complexImag(FO) imaginary part of the complex field output FO