From the menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select .
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog
box, see Creating or editing a material.)
Toggle on Use pressure-dependent data to define the gap
conductance parameters as a function of pressure.
Click the arrows to the right of the Number of field
variables field to increase or decrease the number of field
variables on which the gap conductance depends.
Enter the following data in the Data table:
- Gap Conductance
Gap conductance or cohesive separation,
- Gap Clearance, Gap Pressure, or Closure
Gap clearance, gap pressure (if Use pressure-dependent
data is toggled on), or closure (for coupled
temperature-displacement gasket elements).
- Field n
Predefined field variables.
For detailed information on how to enter data, see Entering tabular data.
Toggle on User Defined to define the gap conductance in
user subroutine GAPCON. Other
parameter settings and any data lines are ignored.
Click OK to close the Edit Material
dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define
from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, for more information).