Defining anisotropic swelling

You can include anisotropy in moisture swelling behavior by defining the ratios r11, r22, and r33 such that two or more of the three ratios differ. The orientation of the moisture swelling strain directions depends on the user-specified local orientation (see Orientations).

  1. Define moisture swelling behavior, as described in Defining moisture swelling.”
  2. From the Suboptions menu in the Edit Material dialog box, select Ratios.

    A Suboption Editor appears.

  3. Toggle on Use temperature-dependent data to define the anisotropy ratios as a function of temperature.

    A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.

  4. Click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables included in the definition of the anisotropy ratios.
  5. In the Data table, enter the anisotropy ratios r11, r22, and r33. Enter values for temperature and field variables if applicable.

    For detailed information on how to enter data, see Entering tabular data.

  6. Click OK to return to the Edit Material dialog box.