Specifying low-density foam material properties

Enter the properties in the Edit Material dialog box, as described below. See Low-Density Foams, for more information on low-density foam materials.

  1. From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticityLow Density Foam.

    (For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material.)

  2. Select the Strain rate measure.

    • Choose Volumetric (default) to use the nominal volumetric strain rate that does not produce rate-sensitive behavior under volume-preserving deformation modes (e.g., simple shear).

    • Choose Principal to cause Abaqus to use the strain rate evaluated along each principal direction.

    See Strain Rate in Abaqus/Explicit, for more details.

  3. Toggle on Extrapolate stress-strain curve beyond maximum strain rate to activate strain-rate extrapolation based on slope (with respect to the strain rate). See Extrapolation of Stress-Strain Curves, for more details.
  4. Toggle on Maximum allowable principal tensile stress to enter a cutoff value that the foam material can sustain. The maximum principal tensile stresses computed by Abaqus will be forced to stay at or below this value. See Tension Cutoff and Failure in Abaqus/Explicit, for more details.
  5. If you specified a value for the Maximum allowable principal tensile stress, toggle on Remove elements exceeding maximum to cause Abaqus to delete any elements in which the maximum principal tensile stress is reached. This is a simple method for modeling rupture.
  6. You can accept the default values for Relaxation coefficients or enter new values for mu0, mu1, and alpha. See Relaxation Coefficients in Abaqus/Explicit, for a detailed description of these material parameters.
  7. To define the uniaxial test data for the material, click Uniaxial Test Data. For details, see the following sections:

  8. Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, for more information).