Specifying elastic material properties

A linear elastic material model is valid for small elastic strains (normally less than 5%); can be isotropic, orthotropic, or fully anisotropic; and can have properties that depend on temperature and/or other field variables. For more information, see Linear Elastic Behavior.

  1. From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select MechanicalElasticityElastic.

    (For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material.)

  2. From the Type field, choose the type of data you will supply to specify the elastic material properties.

  3. To define behavior data that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.

    A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.

  4. To define behavior data that depend on field variables, click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables.

    Field variable columns appear in the Data table.

  5. If you are defining the elastic behavior of a viscoelastic material, click the arrow to the right of the Moduli time scale (for viscoelasticity) field to specify either long-term or instantaneous elastic response.
  6. Toggle on No compression if you want to modify the elastic material response such that compressive stress cannot be generated. For details, see No Compression or No Tension.
  7. Toggle on No tension if you want to modify the elastic material response such that tensile stress cannot be generated. For details, see No Compression or No Tension.
  8. Enter the material properties in the Data table.

    • For Isotropic data, enter the Young's modulus, E, and Poisson's ratio, ν.

    • For Engineering Constants data, enter the generalized Young's moduli in the principal directions, E1, E2, E3; the Poisson's ratios in the principal directions, ν12, ν13, ν23; and the shear moduli in the principal directions, G12, G13, G23.

    • For Lamina data, enter the Young's moduli, E1, E2; the Poisson's ratio, ν12; and the shear moduli, G12, G13, G23. The G13 and G23 shear moduli are needed to define transverse shear behavior in shells.

    • For Orthotropic data, enter the 9 elastic stiffness parameters: D1111, D1122, etc. (units of FL−2).

    • For Anisotropic data, enter the 21 elastic stiffness parameters: D1111, D1122, etc. (units of FL−2).

    • For Traction data, your entries depend on the element type that you are modeling.

      • For solid cross-section Timoshenko beam elements modeled with warping elements, enter the Young's modulus, E, and the shear moduli in the material directions, G1 and G2.

      • For cohesive elements with uncoupled traction, enter the elastic modulus in the normal direction and the two local shear directions, Enn, Ess, and Ett.

    • For Coupled Traction data, enter the six elastic moduli: Enn, Ess, Ett, Ens, Ent, and Est.

    • For Shear data, enter the Shear Modulus.

    • For Bilamina data, enter the Tensile Young's moduli, E 1 + , E 2 + ; the Tensile Poisson's ratio, ν 12 + ; the shear moduli, G 12 , G 13 ; the Compressive Young's moduli, E 1 , E 2 ; and the Compressive Poisson's ratio, ν 12 .

  9. To define the plane stress orthotropic failure measures for the material, if desired, click Suboptions. For details, see the following sections:

  10. Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, for more information).