Context: When you select a point in Probe mode, Abaqus/CAE adds the legend text, sequence identification, and X- and Y-coordinates of the current point to the data table, which appears at the bottom of the Probe Values dialog box. You can clear or sort this table, delete individual rows, and write these data to a file. If the X–Y data name differs from the X–Y curve legend text, the Legend value in the Probe Values dialog box displays the X–Y data name prepended to the legend text. While Probe mode is active, Abaqus/CAE also tracks the position of the cursor in the X–Y plot with arrows that run along the X- and Y-axes. These arrows respectively track the current X- and Y-position of the cursor, so they enable you to select your curve points with greater precision. To help locate X- and Y-data points, you may want to produce an X–Y plot with curve symbols visible before using the Query toolset. For more information, see Customizing the symbols used on an X–Y curve. |