Creating, editing, copying, renaming, and deleting sets and surfaces

You can create, edit, rename, and delete set or surface definitions.

See Also
Managing objects

To create, edit, rename, and delete set or surface definitions, use one of the following:

  • The Create, Edit, Copy, Rename, and Delete items listed under the Tools Set and Tools Surface submenus in the main menu bar.

    The Edit, Copy, Rename, and Delete menu items contain submenus listing all of the sets or surfaces in the current model. The Set submenus vary depending on which module you are in; in the Part and Property modules, only part sets are listed. In the Mesh module, either part or assembly sets may be listed depending on whether a part or the assembly is selected in the context bar. In all other modules, only assembly sets are listed.

  • The set and surface managers. These managers contain functions identical to those listed under the Set and Surface submenus but with convenient browsers that display sets and surfaces along with their type (such as geometry or mesh). The Set Manager displays part sets in the Part and Property modules, part or assembly sets—depending on the current object selection in the context bar—in the Mesh module, and assembly sets in all other modules.

    Note: Sets and surfaces that are empty as a result of feature or mesh modification will still appear in the lists. See Regeneration of geometry sets and surfaces, for more information.
    The Model Tree displays an exclamation point (!) next to the names of any empty sets or surfaces. You can also position the cursor over a set or surface name in the Model Tree to view a tooltip that includes the number of items it contains.

    To display a manager, select Tools Set Manager or Tools Surface Manager from the main menu bar.

    You can copy imported sets and surfaces through the Model Tree, but imported sets and surfaces cannot be copied through ToolSet and ToolsSurface submenus or through set and surface managers.

Warning: When you delete a set or surface, any objects associated with that set or surface, such as loads or interactions, become invalid.