Regeneration of geometry sets and surfaces

Geometry sets and surfaces are regenerated automatically when you change the underlying geometry of the model. However, if you change the geometry of the model significantly, objects that you had previously included in sets or surfaces may be unidentifiable.

See Also
What is a set?
What is a surface?
Using the Set and Surface toolsets

For example, if you delete or suppress a feature of a part, sets and surfaces associated with that feature are altered:

  • If components of the feature were the only objects in a set or surface, the set or surface still appears in the Set Manager but is empty. You can edit the set so that it includes new geometry.

  • If components of the feature were included with other objects in a set or surface, the set or surface no longer contains the components of the feature but continues to contain all of the other objects.

  • If you suppress and then resume a feature, the sets and surfaces associated with that feature are also restored, as well as any objects assigned to those sets and surfaces, such as loads or interactions.