The Annotation Manager

The Annotation Manager is similar to other manager dialog boxes in Abaqus/CAE. It allows you to do the following:

See Also
Managing viewports on the canvas

In addition, the Annotation Manager allows you to perform the following tasks that are not available from the Viewport menu or toolbar:

  • Select the source—model database (MDB) or output database (ODB)—of annotations to manage.

  • Plot model database or output database annotations in the current viewport.

  • Hide model database or output database annotations in the current viewport.

  • Copy annotations from a model database to an output database and vice versa.

  • Highlight annotations in the viewport.

  • Rearrange the order of arrow and text annotations in the list.

You can display the Annotation Manager by selecting ViewportAnnotation Manager from the main menu bar or in the Viewport toolbar. The Annotation Manager is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The Annotation Manager.

For detailed instructions on using the Annotation Manager to create, edit, and manipulate annotations, see the following sections :