Problem description
In consistent units the radius of the cavity is 1.0, and an internal pressure of 750 is applied. The material is isotropic, linear elastic, with Young's modulus 107 and Poisson's ratio 0.33.
Using three orthogonal planes of symmetry, only one-eighth of the configuration needs to be analyzed. The finite element meshes are made up of layers of 12 C3D20R elements, as shown in Figure 1. Two basic meshes of three layers of elements are used: one where the layers are defined by the radial positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and the other where the layers are defined by the radial positions 1, 2, 4, 8. In each case the outermost nodes are considered to be either fixed or free. This results in four different finite element meshes that we label as follows:
F4FX – outer radius = 4, outer nodes fixed
F4FR – outer radius = 4, outer nodes free
F8FX – outer radius = 8, outer nodes fixed
F8FR – outer radius = 8, outer nodes free
Two coupled finite/infinite element meshes are used. First, we take an F8 mesh and replace the outer layer of finite elements by a layer of CIN3D12R elements. We label this mesh I4, the digit 4 indicating the radius at which the finite and infinite elements are coupled. Second, we use a mesh with a single layer of finite elements between radial values 1 and 2 and coupled to it a layer of CIN3D12R elements. This mesh is labeled I2. To test the use of substructures in problems involving coupled finite/infinite element meshes, the I2 mesh is also solved using substructuring with the entire model treated as a single substructure.