Activating and Using the Toolpath-Mesh Intersection Module

The toolpath-mesh intersection module enables simulations of a wide range of additive manufacturing processes. The functionality provides a high level of user control and customization using the Toolpath-Mesh Intersection Utility Routines, user subroutines, and table collections (see Table Collections, Parameter Tables, and Property Tables).

This page discusses:

See Also
Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation
Special-Purpose Techniques for Additive Manufacturing
In Other Guides
Toolpath-Mesh Intersection Utility Routines


This section describes a general workflow for the simulation of an additive manufacturing process using user subroutines and utility routines. The toolpath-mesh intersection module is also used in special-purpose techniques for common additive manufacturing processes (see Special-Purpose Techniques for Additive Manufacturing). You do not have to invoke the toolpath-mesh intersection module utilities or the user subroutines to use the special-purpose techniques.