Starting the Command Line Client

The Command Line Client is typically started from a Command Prompt dialog box (Windows) or a terminal window (Linux). You have three options when using the Command Line Client.

This task shows you how to:

Start the Command Line Client in Interactive Mode

Interactive mode allows you to use the Command Line Client like a command shell. The tool is opened for as long as you want, and as many commands can be entered as desired. You must manually exit this mode to deactivate the client.

  1. To start the Command Line Client in interactive mode, do one of the following:
    • Windows: Click Start, then point to All Programs / Isight and click the Command Line option.

    • Windows: Navigate to the <Isight_install_directory>\win_b64\code\command\ directory and double-click fipercmd.bat.
    • Windows: Click Start, then click Run. Type cmd in the Open dialog box, then click OK. A Command Prompt dialog box appears. Type fipercmd at the command prompt.

    • Linux: Open a terminal window, then type fipercmd.

    The Logon dialog box appears. The Logon dialog box will not appear if this is an Isight installation that has only one connection profile (for standalone or for a SIMULIA Execution Engine).

  2. Log in using the appropriate connection profile. Some commands can be used only when connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    The access to desktop (standalone) Isight is started automatically if only Isight standalone is installed. The Command Line client logs on to the standalone.cpr if it is the only connection profile found. If a SIMULIA Execution Engine is installed, the access to the desktop is performed through the Logon dialog box by default. However, you can set the Command Line Client to use a console logon method, which allows you to log in from the command prompt without using a graphical interface. There are options for supplying all information (such as user name and password) required to connect to a SIMULIA Execution Engine. This allows the Command Line Client to be run from scripts without interacting with the user. For more information on using these options, see Command Line Options.

    Note: If fipercmd is started with the option nogui:true on a Linux system, it will not attempt to access the display and will prompt for logon information at the terminal. This allows fipercmd to be run from command line only environments, such as Telnet.

Use the Command Line Client in Single-Command Mode

Single-command mode allows you to quickly execute a single command.

  1. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Windows: Click Start, then click Run. Type cmd in the Open dialog box, then click OK. A Command Prompt dialog box appears.

    • Linux: Open a terminal window.

  2. Type fipercmd; then, enter the command line argument that you want to use. For more information on the available options, see Command Line Options.

    Important: You must type fipercmd for each set of arguments you execute. If you want to avoid having to retype fipercmd numerous times (if you are executing numerous arguments), see Start the Command Line Client in Interactive Mode for more information on using the tool’s interactive mode or see Use the Command Line Client in Script Mode.

Use the Command Line Client in Script Mode

Script mode allows a series of commands in a file to be executed in a group.

  1. Start a command window.
  2. Enter a command similar to the following:

    fipercmd -f SCRIPTFILE.TXT

  3. If desired, specify connection arguments on the command line to avoid the Command Line Client prompting you for the connection profile, user name, and password. For more information, see Command Line Options.

    A script file is a text file with one command on each line. The commands are exactly as you would enter them in interactive mode.

    Empty lines and lines starting with “#” are treated as comments and are ignored. A command can be continued over multiple lines by ending each line with a backslash “\”.

    For example:

    # get user name
    # run model
    start file:xx.zmf \
    print:y \