Verify that you have completed the necessary debugging configurations
as described in Configuring Eclipse and Isight for Debugging.
From the Eclipse Run menu, select .
This name was determined in Configuring the Isight Design Gateway for Remote Debugging.
The Isight Design Gateway starts.
On the Eclipse toolbar, start the remote debugging session by clicking
adjacent to the button, and selecting the desired Isight extension.
The extension’s name was defined in Configuring the Isight Extension as a Remote Application in Eclipse.
Switch to the Eclipse Debug Perspective.
You can switch back to the Isight Perspective at any time by clicking
Isight Developer (in the upper right corner of
the Eclipse interface).
If you do not see the Debug option on the Eclipse Perspective chooser,
you can add it as follows:
On the right side of the Eclipse interface, click
, and select Other.
The Open Perspective dialog box appears.
Select Debug, and click OK.
In the Debug area on the left side of the Eclipse
interface, verify that both the Design Gateway and the debugging session
are running.
Set breakpoints in your code as appropriate.
The breakpoints trigger once your component is added to the model (Handler
class), when the editor is opened (Editor class), or when the model is
run (Executor class).
Insert your extension into the Design Gateway’s simulation process
You can now execute the extension in the Design Gateway and simultaneously
view the code for debugging purposes in Eclipse. For more information
on using Eclipse’s debugging features, see your Eclipse documentation.