Start Eclipse.
From the Eclipse Run menu, select External
Tools / External Tool Configurations.
The External Tool Configurations dialog box appears.
On the left side of the dialog box, double-click Program.
A new, empty configuration is created, and the new configuration’s
options appear on the right side of the dialog box.
In the Name text box, type a name for the configuration.
For example,
Isight Gateway . This name will appear on
the Eclipse Run menu.
Specify the gateway executable file related to your Isight installation.
Click Browse File System. The option is located
adjacent to the Location text box.
The Open dialog box appears.
Navigate to the following directory:
<Isight_install_directory> \ <operating_system> \code\bin
Click the
gateway.exe file, and click Open.
The path and file name you selected are added to the Location
text box.
On the right side of the External Tool Configurations
dialog box, click the Environment tab.
Create a new environment variable.
Click New.
The New Environment Variable dialog box appears.
Type the following information in the specified text boxes:
Name: FIPER_JVMPARMS Value: -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,
server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 When typing this value, verify that the only space
that appears is between the -Xdebug and the -Xrunjdwp
Click OK.
The new environment variables is added to the list of variables in the
center of the dialog box.
On the right side of the External Tool Configurations
dialog box, click the Common tab.
In the Display in favorites menu area, click
External Tools.
Click Apply.
Click Close to exit the External Tool
Configurations dialog box.