Viewing Coefficients Data

If your approximation is initialized, you can access its internal data using the View Data tab. Otherwise, you must first initialize your approximation before viewing the internal data.

  1. Double-click the Approximation component icon .
    The Approximation Component Editor appears.
  2. From the Approximation Component Editor, click the View Data tab.

    Note: You may see a message stating that changes have been made to your configuration. Click Yes to save the changes.

  3. Click Initialize Now to initialize the approximation immediately, which allows you to view the coefficient data for your approximation.

    This action initializes the approximation using the settings that you have specified.

    Note: Click OK to save the Approximation component’s configuration without initializing it. If you then submit your model for execution, Isight automatically initializes the Approximation component before the first evaluation.

    Once your approximation is initialized, its internal data (coefficients, design points, etc.), which vary depending on the type of approximation you selected, are displayed on the tab.

    Note: If RBF approximation technique is configured, then the value of "Model percent error for each output" displayed in Coefficient Data tab is an internal metric used by RBF technique for its own purposes. It is not intended for external consumption.

  4. Select any of the following:
    Export Save the internal approximation data to a file. Specify the name and location of the file using the Select File dialog box that appears. If you are working with RBF or RSM techniques, you can select Export to Excel or Export to FMU. For more information, see Exporting Approximation Data to Excel and Exporting Approximation Data to FMU.
    Clear Data Reset your approximation (clear all internal data from the approximation), and click Yes to verify the data removal. The approximation becomes uninitialized, and the initialization message and button are available again.
    Error Analysis Use the Approximation Error Analysis tool. The Error Analysis tool is available only if error analysis was performed on the approximation. For more information, see Analyzing Approximation Errors in the Isight User’s Guide.
    Visualize Use the Approximation Viewer tool. For more information, see Visualizing Approximations in the Isight User’s Guide.
  5. Click OK to save your changes and to close the Approximation Component Editor.