Exporting Approximation Data to Excel

Once you have initialized your RBF or RSM approximation, you can export the approximation data to Excel. You can run the mathematics of your approximation in Excel after exporting the data. You can edit input values in Excel using the automatically generated Approximation worksheet, create 2D or 3D graphs selecting different input/output parameters, and share the approximation information on the Excel worksheet with non-Isight users.

Note: Export to Excel is not supported for other approximation techniques.

There are two Excel macros available after exporting approximation data:

  • The Create Graph macro creates a 2D or 3D data sheet and graph by looping over values in the Approximation worksheet.
  • The Refresh Graph macro updates previously created data sheets and graphs based on current input values on the Approximations tab.

You can export data to Excel only on Windows operating systems.

  1. After initializing your approximation, click Export on the Coefficients Data tab.

    The Export Data dialog box appears.

  2. Click Export to Excel to send the data to Excel.

    The two macro buttons, Create Graph and Refresh Graphs, appear on the worksheet. The macros are also available from the Isight menu.

    You can edit input values on the Approximation worksheet in Excel. New output values are updated automatically using your approximation formulas. Do not edit the output values because that decreases the integrity of your original approximation formula.

    Excel automatically starts, and an approximation worksheet is populated.

  3. Verify that you are viewing the Approximations tab, and click Create Graph.

    The Isight Approximation dialog box appears.

  4. Click 3D or 2D.

    If you select 3D, you need to select two input parameters and one output parameter. If you select 2D, you need to select one input parameter and one output parameter.

  5. In the Input 1 list, select the input parameter of your choice.

    The Number, Minimum, and Maximum text boxes are populated automatically.

  6. (3D only) In the Input 2 list, select the input parameter of your choice.

    The Number, Minimum, and Maximum text boxes are populated automatically.

  7. In the Output list, select the output parameter of your choice.
  8. If desired, click Generate Surface Chart if you want to create graph(s) based on your selections.
  9. Click OK.

    Depending on the type of graph created, a new tab titled 3Dgraph1 or 2Dgraph1 is created.

  10. Repeat Step 3 through Step 9 to generate additional graphs.

    New tabs are created for each graph (e.g., 3Dgraph2, 2Dgraph2).

  11. From the Approximations tab, click Refresh Graphs.

    All previously created data sets and graphs are updated based on the current input parameters on the Approximations tab.

  12. Close Excel, and save your changes if needed.