Setting Filtering Results Preferences

You can control the number of parameters shown on the Runtime Gateway, and you can determine if file parameters are displayed on the Runtime Gateway.

  1. From the Design Gateway or Runtime Gateway Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Expand the Gateway and Execution links, click Results Filtering, and set the following as desired.
    Max # of parameters Enter the largest number of parameters that you want displayed on the Runtime Gateway History and Parameter tabs. Increasing this number can slow down system performance. The default is 500.
    Show File Parameters Display file parameters on the History and Parameters tabs on the Runtime Gateway.
    Note: You can click Configure located on both the History and Parameters tabs to add any parameters to those tabs.
    Limit number of runs held in memory Enter the maximum number of runs per component that you want to view in the Runtime Gateway. This is useful if you are working with a model that has a large data set. If the number of runs exceeds this value, the oldest runs are discarded. The default is 100,000.

    You can change this value, but you will have to unload and reload the job or close the Runtime Gateway for the change to take effect. Changing this setting does not affect currently running jobs. You can also override this value in the Runtime Gateway (see Filtering Large Data Sets in the Runtime Gateway).

    Limit number of runs in graphs Enter the number of runs you want to include in graphs. This option sets limits for graphs, the Engineering Data Mining (EDM) tool, and two-dimensional scatter plots. If the number of runs available to display exceeds the limit specified, the graph begins uniform sampling of the data to stay within the limit. This option is useful to improve performance when you are working with complex models that have many runs. The default is 10,000.
    Note: Each point in multiline/overlay visuals (e.g., Engineering Data Mining and history graphs with overlay) counts against the data row limit. Therefore, data sampling begins earlier with these visuals than it does with simpler visuals. For example, a history graph showing 10 parameters on one graph when there are 100 runs requires 1000 points. Therefore, if the limit is set to fewer than 1000 points, data sampling will occur to ensure that only 1000 points are displayed.
  3. Click OK to save your changes and to close the Preferences dialog box.