Setting Execution Preferences

You can control execution options such as minimizing the Design Gateway, logging error messages, and defining execution sub-directories.

  1. From the Design Gateway or Runtime Gateway Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Expand Gateway, click Execution, and set the following options as desired:
    Default Runtime Gateway Tab Determines the tab that Isight displays each time the Runtime Gateway opens. By default, the History tab displays. You can change the default tab to the Sim-flow tab, the Summary tab, or the Graphs tab.
    Show min/max bars in History Table cells Displays a shaded bar in each cell behind the value in the Runtime Gateway's History table. The bar indicates the magnitude of the cell's value relative to the range of all values in the column.
    Minimize the Design Gateway on job submission Minimize the Design Gateway when you submit a job, leaving only the Runtime Gateway visible.
    Show dialog when model execution produces errors Force Isight to display a dialog box containing error information if an error occurs during model execution. By default, this option is selected.
    Default Runtime Logging Level Determine how you want messages stored. Components create different levels of log messages. You can use this option to determine the level of log messages that are stored with your job and available to view in the Runtime Gateway when you execute a model. You can define an information setting, and you will receive information on that particular level, and all other levels below it. Storing more levels of log information can impact how fast your model executes.

    The following levels are available:

    • Debug. These messages are intended for debugging system or component code. Typically, these messages are meaningful only to program developers. This level can produce a large quantity of messages that can affect system performance. This is the highest level. Selecting this option sends all five types of messages to your log file.
    • Info. These messages contain routine status or other informational items that are not generally significant.
    • Warning. These messages indicate a condition that you should be aware of but do not generally indicate a failure. By default, this option is selected.
    • Error. These messages indicate an error condition caused by usage, operational data, or some other condition that can be corrected.
    • SysError. These messages indicate a software system failure. They may indicate that some part of the infrastructure has become unusable (e.g., a database has gone down), or they may indicate a programming error. You must report these errors to system administrators for analysis. This is the lowest level. Selecting this option sends only system error messages to your log file.
    Local execution multitasking level Control the maximum number of work items (component executions) that are executed simultaneously (i.e., in parallel) at a given level of a multiple level model when running in Standalone mode. This limit is provided and enforced so that the local computer CPU is not overwhelmed by more work than it can handle at any given time. If the local computer is a multiple processor computer, it is possible that you will want to increase this value to allow more work to be done in parallel, resulting in the job being completed more quickly. The default is 4.
    If model execution directory is specified, create a sub-directory for each work item Create sub-directories under the model execution directory specified in the model’s properties. By default, this option is selected. For more information on setting the model execution directory, see Setting Model Properties.
    Warn about local file/directory references when submitting models to the Execution Engine Display a warning message if you attempt to execute a model that uses absolute paths on the SIMULIA Execution Engine. This warning informs you that the execution on the SIMULIA Execution Engine may not work. This option does not change the absolute path’s impact on the actual execution.
    Warn when components are not eligible for database lookup Display a warning message if you have disabled the Save to DB option for one or more eligible parameters on the Design Gateway Parameters tab. By default, this option is selected. The warning message only appears when you execute a model from the Design Gateway. This option does not change the actual parameter settings (see About Parameters). For more information about the database lookup feature, see Setting Model Properties.
    Default job expiration Set a default expiration period (in days) for models that do not specify an expiration time. Isight can store and reuse the results of previous component execution runs. With this preference, you can specify how long job execution results are kept in the Isight database, which helps to clean up and minimize the size of your database. Enter a number of days in the Default job expiration field. When no value is specified, Isight keeps job results indefinitely. This preference setting can be overridden and set for individual models; see Setting the Execution Options. The expiration time period is measured from the last time the model was run.
  3. Click OK to save your changes and to close the Preferences dialog box.