Viewing Station Information

The WebDashboard allows you to view station details.

  1. Open the WebDashboard as described in Accessing the WebDashboard in a Browser.
  2. On the left side of the WebDashboard interface, click the Stations option.

    The station details appear. The following information is shown in the corresponding columns on the WebDashboard:

    • Status. The current availability of the station (represented by an icon) is displayed in the first column. You can also see the status in text form by placing your mouse over any icon in this column. The station can be in any of the following states: Running, Quieting, Shutdown, or Unknown. See Station Status Reporting in the Dashboard and WebDashboard for definitions of these conditions.

    • DRM Mode. The DRM mode used by the station: either Fiper or LSF. See Using Distributed Resource Management with the SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    • Name. The name of the SIMULIA Execution Engine station. By default, the station name is the same as the name of the computer running the station. However, you can change the name as described in Station Name.

    • Description. A text description of the station, which can be used to more easily identify specific stations. For more information on how to define a station’s description, see Station Description.

    • Operating System. The operating system of the computer running the station, including the operating system architecture, name, and version.

    • Host Name. The name of the computer where the station is running.

    • Workload. Uses a colored bar and a scale to show how much work the station is currently performing. The workload is displayed as the current number of workitems being processed by the station as compared to the larger of one of the following: ten (10) or the maximum number of workitems concurrently processed by any single station within recent history. For example: If Station A is processing 13 workitems, Station B is processing 3 workitems, and Station C is shut down, the workload bars would contain the following numbers:

      A: 13/13 B: /13 C: 0/13

      The number of workitems being processed by a station may be larger than the concurrency limit for that station. This scenario is true because the number of workitems being processed includes process workitems that might be waiting for other workitems to complete and are, therefore, not included in the concurrency limit for that station.

    Note: You can sort the station list by clicking any of the column headings.

  3. (optional) Filter the displayed stations based on their state using the option on the left side of the screen (under the Stations option). You can either view all stations, only those that are active (in the Running state), or only those that are inactive (in the shutdown state).
  4. (optional) Click the Refresh button on the left side of the interface to verify that you are viewing the most up-to-date information.

    Note: The information is automatically refreshed after a set period of time (which can be determined by viewing the progress bar adjacent to the Refresh button).

  5. Click a station in the list near the top of the tab to view workitems associated with the selected station.

    The Workitems list at the bottom of the interface is populated with the station’s workitems.

  6. If any workitems are listed, you can view the details of a workitem by clicking the Workitem ID column. You can also cancel a workitem (for example, a workitem taking too long to finish or one that appears unable to finish) by selecting the workitem row and clicking Stop Selected Workitem.