Managing Access Control – System Administration

You use the Dashboard to fix access rights for specified users.

Before you begin: To perform these operations, you must have the fiperadmin security role or you must have been added to the system administrator list.
  1. Open the Dashboard dialog box as described in Starting the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Access Control tab, then the System Administration subtab. This subtab is used to fix access rights for specified users, rights that cannot be altered by assigning rights to those users for specific objects.

    For example, a user assigned the ALTER permission in either table would have unrestricted access to every published object and every job. A user assigned the REFERENCE permission would be able to use any published model but not be able to see inside them. Finally, a user assigned the NONE permission would be locked out of the SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    Note: If you want to allow additional users (other than the system administrator defined during the initial SIMULIA Execution Engine installation) access to the Dashboard’s Access Control tab, add the user names to the System Administration subtab. The next time the users open the Dashboard, they will see the Access Control tab. Only users added with the ALTER permission will be able to further edit this list of users.

    The System Administration subtab has one extra function. Any user with entries in this tab (and only users with this characteristic) is granted access to these tabs when accessing the Dashboard.

  3. If desired, you can use any of the following subtabs:
    • System Override. This subtab works in conjunction with the System Administration subtab to fix access rights for specified users.

    • System Default. This subtab is used to assign “fallback” access rights (rights that users will have on specific objects unless they are assigned rights specifically for those objects). These rights include the global default rights which all users will have in the absence of any user-specific rights assignments.

    • SIMULIA Execution Engine Groups. This subtab allows SIMULIA Execution Engine system administrators to collect a set of user names into a single named entity, so that access rights may be assigned jointly to all users in the group. For more information on setting group options for models, see Setting Default Permissions in the Isight User’s Guide.