Open the Dashboard dialog box as described in
Starting the Dashboard.
Click the License tab.
You can see how many instances of a particular license feature are currently
being used by all users using the same license or license server as the
SIMULIA Execution Engine.
Therefore, the information shown may not be specific to the SIMULIA Execution Engine
you are currently using. If more than one SIMULIA Execution Engine
is using the same license server, the license information returned will
be for both SIMULIA Execution Engines.
Select an item from the License feature list.
Information about that license feature is displayed in the area below
the list. This information is current immediately after the license feature
is selected from the list. However, the information may change at any
time. Click Refresh to verify that you are looking
at the most up-to-date information. This option is especially useful
if you leave the Dashboard running while performing some other task,
and then return to it after a period of time.