Starting a SIMULIA Execution Engine Station as a Service

Once you install the station’s service, you need to start the service from your computer’s Services dialog box. The process for accessing this dialog box varies based on the operating system you are using.

  1. Access the Services dialog box.
    • If your station is running on Windows Server 2008:

      1. Click the Start button, point to Administrative Tools and click Services.
      2. Click Continue.

    • If your station is running on Windows 7:

      1. Click the Start button, and click Control Panel.
      2. Click System and Security, and click Administrative Tools.
      3. Double-click Services.

  2. From the Services dialog box, locate the service named SEEStation (Display Name: SIMULIA Execution Engine Station), and click it to select it.
  3. Click Start Service on the Services dialog box toolbar, and wait for the service to start.

    If there are any problems, a log file (station.log) can be reviewed. This file is located in the following directory:


    The SIMULIA Execution Engine station should now be running, and it will appear in the stations list of the SIMULIA Execution Engine (you can see it using the Dashboard, WebDashboard, or the Command Line Client stationstatus command).