Deleting Temporary Directories and Files on Linux

Once you have removed the SIMULIA Execution Engine software, you need to remove the temporary directories and files created by the SIMULIA Execution Engine.

  1. Log in as root (obtain root permissions). Although it is not necessary to be root to delete all the temporary files, it is necessary for some of the files.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the top level of your SIMULIA Execution Engine installation. For example, if you installed the SIMULIA Execution Engine in /opt/SIMULIA/Execution Engine/2024, navigate to the /opt/SIMULIA/Execution Engine directory.
  3. Delete the 2024 directory and all of its contents.
  4. Navigate to the location of the SIMULIA Execution Engine file manager directory. This directory location is specified by the property fiper.system.filemgr.rootFilePath in the file.
  5. Delete the entire SIMULIA Execution Engine file manager directory.
  6. Navigate to the SIMULIA Execution Engine temporary directory. This directory location is specified by the property fiper.system.temp in the file. By default, this directory is /tmp.
  7. Delete any directories that use the following naming convention:


  8. Navigate to the $HOME directory for the user that installed the SIMULIA Execution Engine.
  9. Delete the following items (if they are present):
    • .fiper.preferences file (notice the leading “.” in the file name)

    • dashboard.log file

    • Fiperinstall.log file

    • Fiperuninstall.log file

    • gateway.log file

  10. Navigate to the following directory:


  11. Delete the flexlm.log file (if it is present).
  12. If you ran a SIMULIA Execution Engine station on the SIMULIA Execution Engine system, navigate to the location of the station directory. This directory location was specified during the SIMULIA Execution Engine installation.
  13. Delete the entire SIMULIA Execution Engine station directory (typically the same as the computer name running that SIMULIA Execution Engine station).

    Be sure to uninstall any SIMULIA Execution Engine stations on different systems that were using the deleted SIMULIA Execution Engine and that you do not plan to use with a different SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    The SIMULIA Execution Engine removal process is complete.