Open a Command Prompt window (terminal window on Linux).
Navigate to the following directory:
<SEE_install_dir>/<os_dir>/reffiles/SMAFIPserver/db/oracle/ where <os_dir> is one of the following: - /win_b64/ for Windows 64-bit
- /linux_a64/ for Linux 64-bit
Type one of the following commands, based on your operating system (where
user_name is the name of the user account created for the database (usually seeadmin ), password is
this user’s password, and databasename is the name of the database that will hold
the tables):
When using the createtables script, you should note the following:
If you created a database whose name is greater than eight characters, only
type the first eight characters of the database name when using the script. For
example, if your database is called seedatabase , you should only type seedatab
when using the createtables command.
If your database is running on a Linux system, be sure that your
ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to your Oracle installation
directory and that the path to the Oracle bin/ directory is in your path. If
these variables are not set properly, the script will not function correctly.
Verify correct script operation by examining the
createtables.log file,
which is located in the same directory as the createtables command itself.