Enabling Global Security in WebSphere

After establishing the connection with an LDAP server, you need to set the WebSphere global security option to enable client authentication for the server.

  1. Click Enable administrative security.
  2. Verify that Enable application security is selected.
  3. Clear (uncheck) Use Java 2 security to restrict application access to local resources.
  4. From the Available realm definitions list, verify that Standalone LDAP registry is selected.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Near the top of the console, click Save to save the configuration.
  7. At the top of the console, click Logout.

    You are returned to the login screen, and you now need to stop and restart the server.

  8. Perform one of the following actions to stop the WebSphere server:
    • Windows: Click the Start button, point to All Programs/IBM WebSphere/IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.0/Profiles/AppSrv01, and then click Stop the server.

    • Linux: Navigate to the <websphere_install_directory>/AppServer/bin/ directory, and execute the ./stopServer.sh server1 command.

    Important: Once you restart the server (in the next step), stopping the server again will require you to specify the server user name and password. For more information, see Restarting WebSphere with Security Enabled.

    A message appears when the server stop action is completed.

  9. Perform one of the following actions to start the WebSphere server:
    • Windows: Click the Start button, point to All Programs/IBM WebSphere/IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.0/Profiles/AppSrv01, and then click Start the server.

    • Linux: Navigate to the <websphere_install_directory>/AppServer/bin/ directory, and execute the ./startServer.sh server1 command.

    A message appears when the server start action is completed.