The arguments can be used in any order and in any combination. If you use more than one command line argument and two are in conflict with each other, the later argument overrides the earlier one. @FILENAME@FILENAME This argument allows you to read a set of Dashboard command line arguments from a specified file. The file must be a text file containing command line arguments as they would typically appear on a command line. For example, if you had a file profile:executionengine1 logonprompt:no # provide user name and password to connect user:fiperacs pw:fiperacs Then you could start a Dashboard connected to dashboard @acs.txt You can also mix and match the contents of the file with the actual command line option at the command prompt. For example: dashboard @acs.txt logonprompt:yes Using the contents of the file created earlier, this argument would show
the Logon dialog box ( The file you create can contain one or more lines. Each line can contain one or more command line argument. Arguments with spaces must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. Comments lines are allowed (any line starting with # is ignored). Empty lines are also ignored. This argument is interchangeable with the -help-help This argument opens a dialog box that displays all the arguments discussed
in this section. You can also use the following arguments to open this
dialog box: Example: leaseintervalleaseinterval:<seconds> This argument allows you to specify how many minutes elapse before the Dashboard renews its status with the SIMULIA Execution Engine. For more information, see Lease Interval. Example: localelocale:<locale_string> This argument sets the locale (language environment) for the current session.
It is useful only when testing support for a language. You can also use
the shorter version of this argument: Example (German): Example (German): logfilelogfile:<log_file_name> This argument allows you to specify the location and name of the log file that the Dashboard will generate. Example: loglevelloglevel:[debug|info|warn|error|syserror] This argument allows you to specify the log level of the Dashboard log file. In essence, you are selecting the amount of information that you want to appear in the log file. The debug level shows the most information while the syserror shows the least. For more information on these log levels, see About Log Message Detail Levels. Example: logonpromptlogonprompt:[yes|no] This argument allows you to specify if the Logon dialog box appears when the Dashboard is started. If you use this argument to stop the Logon dialog box from appearing (the no option), you must specify a profile name, user name, and password using the arguments in this list. If you do not specify this information, the Dashboard will not start properly. Example: profileprofile:<connection_profile_filename> This argument allows you to specify the connection profile that the Dashboard will use. If you specify only this argument, the Logon dialog box will appear, and you will have to specify the name and password for the connection profile. Example: Note:
If you receive an error that the connection
profile cannot be found, use the full path to the profile file. For example:
dashboard profile:c:\simulia\Execution Engine\2024\acs_system.cpr pwpw:<password> This argument allows you to specify the password of the user that will log on to the Dashboard. If you specify only this argument, the Logon dialog box will appear but the password will already be defined. Example: unix_pwunix_pw:<password> This argument allows you to specify a Linux password when logging in using the SIMULIA Execution Engine extended grid credentials. unix_userunix_user:<user_id> This argument allows you to specify a Linux user name when logging in using the SIMULIA Execution Engine extended grid credentials. useruser:<user_id> This argument allows you to specify the user that will log on to the Dashboard.
If you specify only this argument but not the Example: win_domainwin_domain:<domain_name> This argument allows you to specify a Windows domain name when logging in using the SIMULIA Execution Engine extended grid credentials. win_pwwin_pw:<password> This argument allows you to specify a Windows password when logging in using the SIMULIA Execution Engine extended grid credentials. win_userwin_user:<user_id> This argument allows you to specify a Windows user name when logging in using the SIMULIA Execution Engine extended grid credentials. |