The file is located in the following subdirectory of your installation: <SEE_install_dir>/config/ The following settings are accessible using the
file, and they can be altered using the text editor of your choice. Any
changes to this file will not be recognized by the SIMULIA Execution Engine
until the application server is restarted.
- This setting defines the logical
name of the SIMULIA Execution Engine.
For single server systems it is the IP host name. For clustered servers
it is the cluster (cell) name.
- fiper.system.esihome
- This setting points to the operating system directory of your SIMULIA Execution Engine
installation directory, including the operating system directory name.
This setting is used to set the default licence type for running jobs on SIMULIA Execution Engine. Allowed values for license type are Legacy, SimUnit_Token, or SimUnit_Credit.
- fiper.acs.isWindowsService
- This setting is used
if the DRM is set to
lsf and the
setting is set to true . In this case you must tell the
SIMULIA Execution Engine
whether the application server is running as a service or not. If the
DRM is set to fiper , this setting is not used. - fiper.system.filemgr.rootFilePath
- This setting
defines the directory in which the SIMULIA Execution Engine
File Manager will store files used in parameter mapping and large in-model
files. This directory must have the
following characteristics:
- Must be large enough to hold all the files for all jobs in the SIMULIA Execution Engine database.
This size can be in the 10s of GBs or much larger if your users save CAD
files, mesh files, or large output reports with per-node details (such files can
be 1 GB each). The amount of disk space is probably comparable to the size
of the SIMULIA Execution Engine database.
- Should be on a local disk on the SIMULIA Execution Engine server host
(the one running WebSphere), though a NAS device is
- Can be written by the SIMULIA Execution Engine user ID (the one that is
used to start WebSphere).
- Is not a temporary file system. This disk space
must never be reclaimed automatically. This rules out /tmp,
/var/tmp, and other such directories that are cleared during a restart
or during an automatic disk space cleanup.
- Is a separate disk drive or partition, if possible, so that if the disk fills
completely it will not affect the rest of the computer.
- Should be a directory uniquely for this use. You should not select an
existing directory that is also used for other purposes. For example, use
/export/ExecutionEngineFilemgr instead of /export.
- fiper.cluster.controller.location
- This setting is used with the SIMULIA Execution Engine
cluster configuration. It must specify the node and server name where
the SIMULIA Execution Engine
Controller is deployed. These must be the WebSphere node and server names,
not the IP (system) names.
- fiper.system.logfilter
- This setting and its
subsettings are used for debugging purposes. They should be used only
at the direction of SIMULIA technical support.
- fiper.system.temp
- The location
of your SIMULIA Execution Engine
temporary directory. Directory names must be separated by forward slash
characters (/). The default is the temporary directory from
the environment. This setting is /var/tmp on Linux. This directory
needs to have the following characteristics:
- Must be located in a stable part of your file
system. Be sure that it is not automatically “cleaned” while the system is running. If the
contents of this directory are deleted, the SIMULIA Execution Engine will not function correctly. This directory can be one that is erased when the machine is
restarted. For more information on which parts of your file system are best suited for this
temporary directory, contact your local system administrator.
- Should be on a local disk on the SIMULIA Execution Engine server host
(the one running WebSphere). If there is insufficient local
storage space, a NAS device can be used, but this setup is not
- fiper.system.drm
- This setting and its subsettings
allow you to configure the distributed resource management option used
by the SIMULIA Execution Engine.
You can choose
either the built-in mode (Fiper) or LSF. For more information, see Using Distributed Resource Management with the SIMULIA Execution Engine.
- fiper.stranded.workitem.interval
- This setting
defines the interval between checks for work items left stranded in the
PENDING state due to the lack of availability of a station
with the required affinities. Work items that have been in the PENDING
state for at least half of this time will cause a job log (and system
log) WARNING message to be generated that indicates
the work item is waiting for a station that can process a work item with
the work item’s affinities. - fiper.system.drm.fipertimelimit
- This setting
defines the optional maximum time limit for components dispatched using the Fiper
DRM option. This setting is optional. If a component's individual maximum
time limit is set to a value larger than this value, the component will
be dispatched using the LSF DRM option. This option is useful only if
both the Fiper and LSF DRMs are enabled. If you specify this option without enabling both Fiper and LSR DRMs, the SIMULIA Execution Engine generates a warning message.
The default value is
0 .
This setting is not applicable for process components and the components which are part of a fast-flow submodel. Components that are part of a fast-flow submodel are always dispatched on the DRM executing the component enabling fastflow for the submodel.
- fiper.system.bsubpath
- This setting is used only
fiper.system.drm is set to lsf .
It must specify the fully qualified path and file name of the LSF bsub
executable module. For more information on using LSF with the SIMULIA Execution Engine,
see Using Distributed Resource Management with the SIMULIA Execution Engine. - fiper.system.lsfQueueName
- This setting is used
if the DRM is set to
lsf . This value specifies the name
of the LSF queue to be used for SIMULIA Execution Engine
jobs. - fiper.acl.default.enabled
- This setting controls
whether SIMULIA Execution Engine
users are allowed to set the default permissions on any published object
or job. These permissions apply to users for whom no explicit permissions
have been set. When set to
false before the SIMULIA Execution Engine
is started, any explicitly set default permissions are changed to none .
The default setting is true so new users will not be
accidentally locked out of their own new installations of SIMULIA Execution Engine. - fiper.ssl.keystore.file
- This setting is used
only when using SSL security for federated SIMULIA Execution Engine
environments. It must contain the fully qualified file name of the keystore
file containing X.509 security certificates.
- fiper.ssl.keystore.password
- This setting is
used only when using SSL security for federated SIMULIA Execution Engine
environments. It must contain the keystore password for the keystore
file named in the
fiper.ssl.keystore.file setting. This
setting represents only the password for the keystore file itself. It
is not the encryption password for any certificates stored in the file. - fiper.b2b.allowWildCards
- This setting is used
only for federated SIMULIA Execution Engine
environments. When set to
true , access to models in
the SIMULIA Execution Engine
from remote users will be allowed when wildcards (*) are used to publish
shared models. This option allows, for example, all users at a given
remote site to access the shared models without naming each individual
user when the models are published. When set to false ,
wildcard specifications will not be used to determine access to shared
models (e.g., each remote user must be specifically granted access to
the shared model). - fiper.b2b.url
- This setting is not used with the WebSphere application server and can be ignored.
- This setting is
used with the SIMULIA Execution Engine
Run-As security feature. For more information, see Configuring Station (Run-As) Security.
- This setting is
used with the SIMULIA Execution Engine
Run-As security feature. For more information, see Configuring Station (Run-As) Security.
- fiper.acs.jms.persistent
- This setting specifies
whether or not to use persistent JMS messaging between the station and
the SIMULIA Execution Engine.
The default value is
true .For maximum reliability of the system, this setting should be left
set to true . A value of false can result
in job failures due to intermittent network connectivity issues or server
failures that could otherwise be handled. There is a corresponding configuration entry in the
file, fiper.station.jms.persistent , which must also
be set to true to use persistent JMS messaging. - fiper.acs.continueRunningJobs
- This setting specifies
whether or not running jobs are to be continued after a planned or unplanned
shutdown and restart of the SIMULIA Execution Engine.
The default value is
true .Generally, this setting should be set to false only
when there are running jobs that will prevent the SIMULIA Execution Engine
from successfully starting up. This is not a normal situation and indicates
a flaw in a component, plug-in, or other metadata that should be reported
to SIMULIA or the developer of the code if it is not a SIMULIA product.
Once the system has started, the setting should be changed back to true
to be ready for the next time the SIMULIA Execution Engine
is restarted.