*************************************************************** ** ** translated data from the Moldflow interface files named ** "moldflow_ex2.pat" ** and ** "moldflow_ex2.osp" ** ** to the following Abaqus input files: ** ** input file = moldflow_ex2.inp: YES ** ** neutral material file = moldflow_ex2.shf: NO ** (for *ELASTIC/*EXPANSION data) ** ** initial stress file = moldflow_ex2.str: YES ** (for *INITIAL CONDITIONS data) **------------------------------------------------------------- ** echo of header information from the Moldflow interface ** files: ** ** TITL information from .osp file: ** TITL ** ** FILE information from .osp file: ** FILE JUN14-2002 11:19:59 mpi310 Residual Stress & ** Properties ** ** number of nodal properties = 0 ** number of element properties = 45 ** number of nodes = 958 ** number of TRI elements = 1719 ** number of 1D elements = 32 ** ** Moldflow results were written with IST coding, i.e., ** this is an unfilled anisotropic material with residual ** stresses ** -------- ----------- ---- **------------------------------------------------------------- ** this input file was created with the following keyword data: ** ** *NODE (926 nodes) ** ** *ELEMENT (1719 S3R elements) ** ** *SHELL SECTION, COMPOSITE (7 ELSETs) ** ** *MATERIAL ** *ELASTIC, TYPE=SHORT FIBER ** *EXPANSION, TYPE=SHORT FIBER ** (elastic and expansion data will be read from file ** moldflow_ex2.shf) ** ** *INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=STRESS, SECTION POINTS, ** INPUT=moldflow_ex2.str ** ** *STEP ** (Dummy step data. Loads and boundary conditions ** may need to be added to complete the model.) *************************************************************** *HEADING TITL *************************************************************** *NODE, NSET=NALL, INPUT=moldflow_ex2_nodes.inp *************************************************************** *ELEMENT, TYPE=S3R, ELSET=EALL, INPUT=moldflow_ex2_elements.inp *************************************************************** *INCLUDE, INPUT=moldflow_ex2_elsets.inp *************************************************************** *INCLUDE, INPUT=moldflow_ex2_sections.inp *************************************************************** *MATERIAL,NAME=moldflow_mat_01 *ELASTIC,TYPE=SHORT FIBER *EXPANSION,TYPE=SHORT FIBER *DENSITY 1500., *************************************************************** *INITIAL CONDITIONS,TYPE=STRESS,SECTION POINTS,INPUT=moldflow_ex2.str *************************************************************** *STEP *FREQUENCY, EIGENSOLVER=LANCZOS 10, *END STEP