Records Written Once for Any File Output Request When Surfaces Are Defined in Abaqus/Standard

This section describes the format of the individual records in the Abaqus results file.

This page discusses:

The number of data items for the following record depends on the type of surface being defined.

Rigid Surfaces

1501 Surface definition header
  1. Surface name.
  2. Dimension key (1-1D, 2-2D, 3-3D, 4-Axisymmetric).
  3. Type key (1-Deformable, 2-Rigid).
  4. Number of facets making up the surface.
  5. Reference node label.

Deformable Surfaces

1501 Surface definition header
  1. Surface name.
  2. Dimension key (1-1D, 2-2D, 3-3D, 4-Axisymmetric).
  3. Type key (1-Deformable, 2-Rigid).
  4. Number of facets making up the surface.
  5. Number of contact main surfaces associated with this surface through contact pairing (0 if this surface is a main surface).
  6. First main surface name.
  7. Second main surface name.
  8. Etc.
1502 Surface facet
  1. Underlying element number.
  2. Element face key (1–S1, 2–S2, 3–S3, 4–S4, 5–S5, 6–S6, 7–SPOS, 8–SNEG).
  3. Number of nodes in facet.
  4. Node number of the facet's first node.
  5. Node number of the facet's second node.
  6. Etc.