Record Format: Records Written for Any Node File Output Request
101 U Displacements
- Node number.
- First component of displacement.
- Second component of displacement.
- Etc.
102 V Velocities
- Node number.
- First component of velocity.
- Second component of velocity.
- Etc.
103 A Accelerations
- Node number.
- First component of acceleration.
- Second component of acceleration.
- Etc.
104 RF Reaction forces
- Node number.
- First component of reaction force.
- Second component of reaction force.
- Etc.
105 EPOT Electrical potential
- Node number.
- Magnitude.
106 CF Point loads, moments, fluxes
- Node number.
- First component of load or flux.
- Second component of load or flux.
- Etc.
107 COORD Coordinates
- Node number.
- First coordinate.
- Second coordinate.
- Etc.
108 POR Pore or acoustic pressure
- Node number.
- Pressure.
109 RVF Reactive fluid volume flux
- Node number.
- Reaction fluid volume flux.
110 RVT Reactive fluid total volume
- Node number.
- Reaction fluid total volume.
119 RCHG Electrical reaction charges
- Node number.
- Charge scalar value.
120 CECHG Concentrated electrical nodal charges
- Node number.
- Current scalar value.
136 PCAV Fluid cavity pressure
- Fluid cavity reference node number.
- Pressure.
137 CVOL Fluid cavity volume
- Fluid cavity reference node number.
- Volume.
138 RECUR Electrical reaction current
- Node number.
- Electrical current.
139 CECUR Concentrated electrical nodal current
- Node number.
- Electrical current.
145 VF Viscous forces due to static
- Node number.
- First component of viscous force.
- Second component of viscous force.
- Etc.
146 TF Total forces
- Node number.
- First component of total force.
- Second component of total force.
- Etc.
151 PABS Acoustic absolute pressure
- Node number.
- Absolute pressure.
201 NT Temperatures
- Node number.
- Temperature.
- Etc. (for heat shells)
204 RFL Residual fluxes
- Node number.
- Residual flux.
- Etc. (for heat shells)
204 RFL Reaction fluxes
- Node number.
- First component of reaction flux.
- Second component of reaction flux.
- Etc.
206 CFL Concentrated fluxes
- Node number.
- Concentrated flux.
- Etc. (for heat shells)
214 RFLE Internal fluxes
- Node number.
- Flux, excluding external flux.
- Etc. (for heat shells)
221 NNC Normalized concentration (mass diffusion
- Node number.
- Concentration.
237 MOT Motions (in cavity radiation analysis)
- Node number.
- First component of motion.
- Second component of motion.
- Etc.
320 CFF Concentrated fluid flow
- Node number.
- Magnitude of fluid flow.