Upgrade script commands

The upgradeScript module allows you to upgrade scripts from one release of Abaqus to a later release. The upgradeScript module allows you to upgrade over several releases at one time. It also allows you to upgrade only kernel commands, only GUI commands, or both.

This page discusses:


import upgradeScript


This function can be used to upgrade a directory, a file, or a list of both directories and files. You can preview the changes before you choose to upgrade the file. A user interface to this function is available via the Plug-ins menu. For more information, see Upgrading a script. You can also use a simpler interface from the command line to upgrade scripts. For more information, see the summary of changed commands at the end of this guide.



Required arguments


A String or sequence of Strings specifying the files or directories to upgrade. If a directory path is found, it will be searched for files with the suffix .py or .guiLog. If searchSubdirectories is True, any directories found within a directory will also be searched.

Optional arguments


A Boolean specifying whether to search any subdirectories (if the file name is a directory). If searchSubdirectories is True, the command will search the subdirectories of any directory in fileNames. If searchSubdirectories is False, the command will search the directory but not the subdirectories. The default value is True.


A Boolean specifying whether to make backups of the files. The default value is True. This argument is ignored if preview is set.


A Boolean specifying whether to preview the changes to the file instead of changing the file. If preview is True, display a preview of the file changes. The default value is True.

By default, the preview is displayed in a web browser. The diffExecutable argument allows you to specify a different application in which to preview the changes.


A String specifying the application used to display the differences between the script and the upgraded script. The default value is an empty string, and the differences are displayed by a web browser. Examples of values for diffExecutable are winmerge and diff. This argument is ignored if preview is False.


A String specifying the name of the log file where any warnings and changes found during the upgrade are written. The default value is asiUpgrade.log.


A String specifying the Abaqus release from which to upgrade. The default value is EARLIEST.


A String specifying the Abaqus release to which to upgrade. The default value is LATEST.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of scripting commands to be upgraded. Possible values are KERNEL, GUI, or BOTH. If scriptType is KERNEL only Abaqus Scripting Interface commands will be upgraded; if scriptType is GUI only Abaqus GUI Toolkit commands will be upgraded. The default value is BOTH.

Return value

The number of changes made or, if preview was used, the number of changes that would have been made.

