Repository object

Repositories are containers that store a particular type of object; for example, the steps repository contains all the steps defined in the model. An Abaqus Scripting Interface Repository maps a key to a value. The key is usually a String, and the value is any Python object, usually an Abaqus object. A repository is similar to a Python dictionary; however, only a constructor can add an object to a repository. In addition, all of the objects in a repository are of the same base type. For more information, see Repositories. A Repository has no constructor. Abaqus creates empty repositories when you import a module. For example, Abaqus creates an empty parts repository when you import the part module.

The following methods of the Repository object are standard Python dictionary methods and are not described here:

  • has_key

  • items

  • keys

  • values


This method changes the name of a key in a repository and the name member of the value object.

Required arguments


A String specifying the old name of the repository key.


A String specifying the new name of the repository key.

Optional arguments


Return value


