This method creates an XYData object from a sequence of X–Y data pairs.
Required arguments
- name
A String specifying the repository key.
- data
A sequence of pairs of Floats specifying the X–Y data pairs.
Optional arguments
- sourceDescription
A String specifying the source of the X–Y data (e.g., “Entered from keyboard”, “Taken from ASCII file”, “Read from an ODB”, etc.). The default value is an empty string.
- contentDescription
A String specifying the content of the X–Y data (e.g., “field 1 vs. field 2”). The default value is an empty string.
- positionDescription
A String specifying additional information about the X–Y data (e.g., “for whole model”). The default value is an empty string.
- legendLabel
A String specifying the label to be used in the legend. The default value is the name of the XYData object.
- xValuesLabel
A String specifying the label for the X-values. This value may be overridden if the X–Y data are combined with other X–Y data. The default value is an empty string.
- yValuesLabel
A String specifying the label for the Y-values. This value may be overridden if the X–Y data are combined with other X–Y data. The default value is an empty string.
- axis1QuantityType
A QuantityType object specifying the QuantityType object associated to the X -axis1- values.
- axis2QuantityType
A QuantityType object specifying the QuantityType object associated to the Y -axis2- values.
Return value
An XYData object.