- Removal of window title bars
Your access to some dialog and toolbox functions may be limited if you have customized your system so that window title bars are not displayed. Without title bars, you may not be able to move a dialog box. Using the Esc key is the only means to close a dialog or toolbox that has no title bar or Cancel button.
- Removal of window borders
Resizing a dialog box requires you to click and drag the border. If your Linux customizations include the removal of application window borders, you may not be able to resize dialog boxes in Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer. Instead, use the scroll bars to access data that extend beyond the edges of a dialog box.
- Displaying Japanese characters
If your locale setting is Japanese, Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer can display Japanese text in the viewport. For example, text annotations and the state and title blocks are displayed in Japanese. To display the Japanese characters correctly, the Japanese TrueType fonts must be installed in the directory /usr/lib/X11/fonts .