Using the Keywords Editor and defining the job

You will now add the keyword options that are necessary to complete the model definition (namely, the option to define beam normal directions) using the Keywords Editor. Refer to the Abaqus Keywords Guide for a description of the required syntax, if necessary.

  1. In the Model Tree, click mouse button 3 on Model-1 and select Edit Keywords from the menu that appears.

    The Edit Keywords dialog box appears containing the input file that has been generated for your model.

  2. In the Keywords Editor each keyword is displayed in its own block. Only text blocks with a white background can be edited. Select the text block that appears just prior to the END ASSEMBLY option. Click Add After to add an empty block of text.
  3. In the block of text that appears, enter the following:

    Inner-a,  Inner-a, -0.3962,  0.9171,  0.0446
    Inner-b,  Inner-b,  0.3962, -0.9171,  0.0446
    Leg-a,    Leg-a,   -0.1820,  0.9829,  0.0205
    Leg-b,    Leg-b,    0.1820, -0.9829,  0.0205

    Tip: Copy and paste data from one location in a text block to another.

  4. When you have finished, click OK to exit the Keywords Editor.

    Before continuing, rename the model to Static. This model will later form the basis of the model used in the crane example discussed in Linear Dynamics.

    Save your model in a model database file named Crane.cae, and create a job named Crane.

    Submit the job for analysis, and monitor the solution progress. If any modeling errors are encountered, correct them; investigate the cause of any warning messages, taking appropriate action as necessary.