Rerunning the analysis using Abaqus/Explicit

You will now evaluate the dynamic response of the lug when the same load is applied suddenly. Of special interest is the transient response of the lug. You will have to modify the model for the Abaqus/Explicit analysis. Before proceeding, copy the existing model to a new model named Explicit. Make all subsequent changes to the Explicit model (you may want to collapse the Elastic model to avoid confusion). Before running the job you will need to add a density definition to the material model, change the step type, and change the element type. In addition, you should make modifications to the field output requests.

  1. Edit the material definition for Steel to include a mass density of 7800.
  2. Replace the static step named LugLoad with a dynamic, explicit step. Enter Dynamic lug loading as the step description, and enter 0.005 s for the time period of the step.
  3. Edit the field output request named F-Output-1. In the Edit Field Output Request dialog box, select Evenly spaced time intervals as the frequency type and enter 125 as the interval value.
  4. Accept the default history output request.
  5. Change the element type used to mesh the lug. In the Element Type dialog box, select the Explicit element library, 3D Stress family, and Linear geometric order. In addition, select enhanced hourglass control for the Hex shape. The selected element type is C3D8R.
  6. Create and submit a job named expLug using the model named Explicit.
  7. Monitor the progress of the job.

    At the top of the expLug Monitor dialog box, a summary of the solution progress is included. This summary is updated continuously as the analysis progresses. Any errors and/or warnings that are encountered during the analysis are noted in the appropriate tabbed pages. If any errors are encountered, correct the model and rerun the simulation. Be sure to investigate the cause of any warning messages and take appropriate action; recall that some warning messages can be ignored safely while others require corrective action.