Creating an analysis step

Create a general, static step that follows the initial step of the analysis.

See Also
In Other Guides
The Step module
Understanding steps
  1. In the Model Tree, double-click the Steps container to create a step.

    Abaqus/CAE switches to the Step module. The Create Step dialog box appears with a list of all the general procedures and a default step name of Step-1. General procedures are those that can be used to analyze linear or nonlinear response.

  2. Name the step BeamLoad.
  3. From the list of available general procedures in the Create Step dialog box, select Static, General if it is not already selected and click Continue.

    The Edit Step dialog box appears with the default settings for a general, static step.

  4. The Basic tab is selected by default. In the Description field, type Load the top of the beam.
  5. Click the Incrementation tab, and accept the default time incrementation settings.
  6. Click the Other tab to see its contents; you can accept the default values provided for the step.
  7. Click OK to create the step and to exit the Edit Step dialog box.