In the simplest encryption scenario an
user creates an encrypted copy of a file named
material_data.inp, which contains all of the material data
for a model, before sending the encrypted version to an authorized end user.
Encryption prevents unauthorized users from accessing the encrypted file during
its transmission. To create an encrypted copy of
material_data.inp named
material_data_enc.inp, issue the following command:
abaqus encrypt input=material_data.inp
output=material_data_enc.inp password=e1No9c2z
Upon receiving the file, the end user can run the abaqus
decrypt execution procedure to create a copy of the original,
non-encrypted material data file. Because of the encryption options selected in
this example, the end user requires only the encrypted file's password to
decrypt it. To decrypt the encrypted data file
material_data_enc.inp, producing the non-encrypted file
material_data.inp, issue the following command:
abaqus decrypt input=material_data_enc.inp
output=material_data.inp password=e1No9c2z
Alternatively, the end user can skip the decryption and run an analysis that
includes the encrypted data by reference. To include the encrypted file by
reference in an
input file, add the following statement to the input file:
*INCLUDE, INPUT=material_data_enc.inp, PASSWORD=e1No9c2z