Basic Connections
Basic connection components are divided into three categories:
Translational basic connection components affect translational degrees of freedom at both nodes and may affect rotational degrees of freedom at the first node or at both nodes;
Rotational basic connection components affect only rotational degrees of freedom at both nodes; and
Specialized rotational basic connection components affect rotational degrees of freedom as well as other degrees of freedom at the nodes.
Only one translational basic connection component and one rotational or specialized rotational basic connection component can be used in the definition of a connector element. If a more complicated connection requires more basic connection components than this, use multiple connector elements attached to the same nodes.
Translational Basic Connection Components
The following basic connection components affect translational degrees of freedom at both node a and node b. Some of these connector components affect rotational degrees of freedom at node a or at both node a and node b. Any basic connection component from this list can be used to define the translational behavior of a connector element.
Provide a connection between two nodes to measure the relative acceleration, velocity, and position of a body in a local coordinate system. This connection type is available only in Abaqus/Explicit. If it is defined in an Abaqus/Standard model, it will be converted internally to a CARTESIAN connector type.
Provide a connection between two nodes that acts along the line connecting the nodes.
Provide a connection between two nodes that allows independent behavior in three local Cartesian directions that follow the system at node a.
Join the position of two nodes.
Provide a pinned rigid link between two nodes to keep the distance between the two nodes constant.
Provide a connection between two nodes that allows independent behavior in three local Cartesian directions that follow the system at both nodes a and b.
Provide a connection between two nodes that allows different behavior for radial and thrust displacements.
Provide a slide-plane connection to make the position of the second node remain on a plane defined by the orientation of the first node and the initial position of the second node.
Provide a slot connection to make the position of the second node remain on a line defined by the orientation of the first node and the initial position of the second node.
Rotational Basic Connection Components
The following basic connection components affect only rotational degrees of freedom at the nodes in the connection. Any basic connection component from this list can be used to define the rotational behavior of a connector element.
Provide a connection between two nodes that aligns their local directions.
Provide a rotational connection between two nodes parameterized by Cardan (or Bryant) angles.
Provide a constant velocity connection between two nodes.
Provide a rotational connection between two nodes parameterized by Euler angles.
Provide a connection between two nodes that allows different behavior for flexural and torsional rotations.
Provide a connection between two nodes that allows different behavior for two flexural rotations and one torsional rotation.
Provide a revolute connection between two nodes.
Provide a rotational connection between two nodes parameterized by the rotation vector.
Provide a connection between two nodes to measure the relative angular acceleration, velocity, and position of a body in a local coordinate system. This connection type is available only in Abaqus/Explicit. If it is defined in an Abaqus/Standard model, it will be converted internally to a CARDAN connector type.
Provide a universal connection between two nodes.
Specialized Rotational Basic Connection Components
The following basic connection component affects rotational and other non-translational degrees of freedom at the nodes in the connection. The specialized rotational basic connection component can be combined with translational basic connection components.
Provide a means of converting the material flow (degree of freedom 10) at a connector node into a rotation.