The Abaqus/CAE Visualization module tutorial output database

The following sections describe how you can access the data in an output database. Examples are included that refer to the Abaqus/CAE Visualization module tutorial output database, viewer_tutorial.odb. This database is generated by the input file from Case 2 of the example problem, Indentation of an elastomeric foam specimen with a hemispherical punch. The problem studies the behavior of a soft elastomeric foam block indented by a heavy metal punch. The tutorial shows how you can use the Visualization module to view the data in the output database. The tutorial describes how you can choose the variable to display, how you can step through the steps and frames in the analysis, and how you can create X–Y data from history output.

You are encouraged to copy the tutorial output database to a local directory and experiment with the Abaqus C++ API. The output database and the example scripts from this guide can be copied to the user's working directory using the abaqus fetch utility:

abaqus fetch job=name

where name.C is the name of the program or name.odb is the name of the output database (see Fetching Sample Input Files). For example, use the following command to retrieve the tutorial output database:

abaqus fetch job=viewer_tutorial