The following is the access description for the Part object:[name]
The access description specifies where instances of the object are located in the data model. The Part object can accordingly be accessed as: odb_PartContainer partCon =; odb_Part part = partCon["PART-1-1"]; The odb.steps()[name].frames(i).fieldOutputs()[name] The following statements show how you use the object described by this
odb_StepContainer stepCon = odb.steps(); odb_Step step = stepCon["Side load"]; odb_SequenceFrame frameSeq = step.frames(); odb_Frame lastFrame = frameSeq.Get( frameSeq.Size() -1 ); odb_FieldOutputContainer fieldCon = lastFrame.fieldOutputs(); odb_FieldOutput field= fieldCon["S"]; odb_FieldOutput iPointFieldData = field.getSubset( odb_Enum::INTEGRATION_POINT); odb_SequenceInvariant myInvariants = field.validInvariants();