Converting constraints

To remove all the face, edge, coaxial, and contact constraints applied to a selected part or model instance while leaving the instance in its current position, select InstanceConvert Constraints from the main menu bar. The conversion is equivalent to applying a single translation and rotation to the instance that moves it from its original position to the current position. Any previous constraints no longer appear in the list of features and cannot be restored.

See Also
How the position constraint methods differ
How conflicts can arise between position constraints, translations, and rotations
  1. From the main menu bar, select InstanceConvert Constraints to convert any existing constraints to the current position.
  2. From the assembly, select the part or model instance whose constraints you want to convert. You can also click the Instance List button on the right of the prompt area and select the instance from the Instance List dialog box that appears.

    Tip: If you are unable to select the desired instance, you can use the Selection toolbar to change the selection behavior. For more information, see Using the selection options.

    The instance does not move, but Abaqus/CAE converts any existing constraints to the current position.

    You cannot restore the original face, edge, coaxial, and contact constraints.