Specify hardening behavior for classical metal plasticity

When you use the Edit Material dialog box to define the classical plastic behavior of a material, you must select an option for specifying the hardening behavior.

See Also
Using an isotropic hardening model to define classical metal plasticity
Using a linear kinematic cyclic hardening model to define classical metal plasticity
Using the Johnson-Cook hardening model to define classical metal plasticity
Specifying user subroutine UHARD to define classical metal plasticity
Using a nonlinear isotropic/kinematic cyclic hardening model to define classical metal plasticity

The following hardening options are available:

Option Hardening behavior
Isotropic Model hardening where the yield surface changes size uniformly in all directions such that the yield stress increases (or decreases) in all stress directions as plastic straining occurs
Kinematic Model cyclic loading of a material with a constant rate of hardening
Johnson-Cook Model isotropic hardening in Abaqus/Explicit, where the yield stress is provided as an analytical function of equivalent plastic strain, strain rate, and temperature
User Describe yield stress for isotropic hardening through user subroutine UHARD
Combined Model cyclic loading of a material with nonlinear isotropic/kinematic hardening

For general information on selecting a Hardening option, see Hardening.