Activating plot states

A plot state combines all of the active customization options to produce a plot in the viewport. Some options are common to all plot types, some are applied only when you choose to superimpose the deformed and undeformed model shapes, and some are specific to the current plot type. You enter a particular plot state by producing a plot of the corresponding type. For example, if you produce an undeformed plot, the current viewport will then be in the undeformed plot state. The plot state of a viewport persists and Abaqus/CAE updates it with any changes you make to the customization options until you produce a plot in some other state in that viewport. If you create multiple viewports, each viewport can contain a different plot state. In addition, you can choose to allow multiple plot states in a single viewport by plotting both the undeformed and deformed shape for a single plot type or by displaying multiple plot types in the viewport.

See Also
Customizing your plots