You can display the optimization process editor by selecting or from the main menu bar. (You can also click Create or Edit in the Optimization Process Manager.)
The optimization process editor allows you to configure the following:
- Optimization
Use the Optimization tabbed page to specify the maximum number of optimization iterations that should be run before the process terminates and the frequency at which data are saved. For more information, see Creating and editing optimization processes.
- Submission
Use the Submission tabbed page to configure the submission attributes of your optimization process, such as the submit time and whether the process is to be submitted to remote queues that have been configured by your local Abaqus environment file or by your system administrator. For more information, see Configuring job submission attributes.
- Memory
Use the Memory tabbed page to configure the amount of memory allocated to the Abaqus jobs during the optimization process. For more information, see Controlling job memory settings.
- Parallelization
Use the Parallelization tabbed page to configure the parallel execution of
the Abaqus analysis jobs during the optimization process, such as the number of
processors to use. For more information, see Controlling job parallel execution.