
This parameter table type is used in special-purpose techniques for additive manufacturing.

This page discusses:

See Also
Special-Purpose Techniques for Additive Manufacturing

Products Abaqus/Standard

Optionally, you can include a parameter table of type "ABQ_AM_MaterialRemoval_Bead_Orientation" in the table collection that you specify to deactivate elements in the step. You can define an arbitrary fixed bead orientation that is the components of vector z . This orientation vector overrides the stacking direction defined in "ABQ_AM_MaterialRemoval_Bead".

If a table of type "ABQ_AM_MaterialRemoval_5AxisStrategy" is present in the same table collection, you must define a time varying orientation vector in the event series defining the toolpath trajectory. The time varying orientation vector overrides the fixed orientation defined in "ABQ_AM_MaterialRemoval_Bead_Orientation".