Creating a Submodel

You create a submodel by specifying which existing components in the model will be included in the submodel. You can make individual application components into a submodel. You can also create a submodel from a process component, in which case all of the components (application and process) in the process component’s subflow are included in the submodel.

See Also
About Submodels
  1. From the Design Gateway, select a model.
  2. Right-click the component that you want to make a submodel, and select Make Submodel.

    Isight adds a reference component at the location of the component, and a dotted line runs from below the Reference component to the original component. In the following example, the Read I-Beam Data Exchanger component has been made into a submodel.

    At this point, the model and its simulation process flow are unchanged. You have designated the selected component for future use as a submodel.